We stopped at a rest stop on the way down from the Bay. We walked a couple loops and D was in love with the ad dispensers.
Taking a walk in the park with Grandpa
Daddy made a box house
So many choices?
All dressed up for a party, calling his friends
Playing with big boy toys
Yes, that's a rotary dial toy phone. D loves it more than anything
Giving mama a heart attack
Picking flowers
I made a gingerbread house
Playing with my early 80s Tupperware kitchen set (yes my mom saved it for all these years!)
A rocking chair that belonged to my mom & her brother. Refinished by my Grandpa and used by me. Now D is loving sitting in it.
Christmas in Southern California- 80 degrees at the pirate park in Ventura - right on the beach. For the record, D loved the slide. Up and down, up and down.
D discovered a TMNT bow staff

Alex with Christa booty-toothy. She loved him!
Well this just filled my heart with happiness. Love Valentine's side eye.
D is getting so big! Loved the photos. Happy New Year!