Yesterday, D participated in the National School Walkout in protest of gun violence. He and his classmates made signs and walked around for 17 minutes. We've been talking a lot about guns - it's sad to have these conversations with your 4 year old. But he made me proud when we had the following conversation:
(Background: I work with an alternatively-abled man, M who is missing the lower part of one of his arms. D has been talking about body parts at school, and asks a lot about this man and how he is able to do all the things we can do)
D: Why can't we give M a new arm?
Me: People can't grow a new arm, and if they make one for M they are really expensive.
D: That's stupid. We should make things like arms really cheap so everyone who needs one can get one. And we should make guns really expensive.
Hit the nail right on the head, son.
Look out! You're breeding a smart one like you and A! XO