Thursday, April 25, 2013

Second Trimester

Well, I've made it to the second trimester, and so far things are going so much better than they were. I no longer fit in my clothes at all. I haven't gained any weight, and I think I actually might have lost a couple pounds, which is weird. I am feeling much, much better. The nausea is gone and I can almost go without eating at some times during the day. Although that blood sugar crash is much more prominent now. I'm more prone to a bit of crankiness if I don't get fed regularly. I'm still off-put by meat, but it's getting a little bit better. I can eat things that meat is in (like soup), but I still can't handle those pieces of meat. I'm not sure I'll get over that. We got our first bona-fide baby present a couple days ago from Uncle Rob and Aunt Eileen. It's a cute bouquet of flowers that's actually baby clothes rolled up. And it's in my favorite colors - green and yellow! So nice.
At this point, most everyone knows. I've told my boss and she was the super coolest, most supportive boss ever. She even suggested converting the office next to hers to a nursery, since another woman in my lab is also pregnant. We are due two weeks apart. How cool is that?
Since I'm feeling better, it's been easier to exercise. I've been riding my bike to work once a week (20 miles! Woot!) I am super tired for the last mile or two of the ride, but I end up feeling pretty great for the rest of the day. I've had to change my pedals from clipless to regular pedals since my center of gravity is quie a bit off. I've also taken up swimming, which has been lovely. The Stanford Aquatic Facility is the nicest I've ever seen, and it's a lovely time to just do some laps in the sunshine, use the kickboard and not drown. Haha! Plus, it's important to get some Vitamin D, right?
This weekend, we are headed to a wedding vow renewal in Santa Barbara. I'm excited because I get to see my family (pretty much most of them) and Randi and a couple of my girlfriends from college. It will be fun to see the look on their faces when I tell them we're having a baby. I think they're gonna laugh!
So, today's my Friday. I get to sit in the OB clinic and have some lovely sugar juice for my GTT. Oh well - almost over!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! I hope the bucket offers you some fitting clothes! The sugar juice is not as gross as everyone makes it out to be.
