Monday, September 30, 2013

Two Weekends in One Post

Last weekend, we went to the Cantor Arts Center here on campus. It's the art museum, and it's free. 

Leland Stanford, Jr's death mask (creepy, right?)

It rained for a change. 

The Thinker by Rodin

I loved this sculpture by Rodin

Totem poles

We got some baby presents and Alex was happy to try them on

Moo in particular loved the ribbon

Ducky gave himself a concussion - notice hi left pupil is larger than his right?

Dusty and Alex at the top of Hoover Tower

I am HUGE! at the beach


I don't look so big in shadow form...

The ocean.


Pigeon Point

Me and the lighthouse

Dusty, Jen and me at Pigeon Point

They got a flaming drink.

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